"Do not ever stop! Process maturity must be acted alone so that knowledge is not from hearing the stories of others but it is a personal experience or empirical. "In the middle recedes conventional furniture business, especially in world markets, the pace of this enviable Solo. While most exporters have been very skeptical given the demand will continue to slide furniture products, both in terms of quantity and price, but high specifications required for the design and materials of wood, Barata Sena actually flying with the results of his own style of products. Father of two children, now aged 42 years was even increasingly enjoy their business. In a business perspective,
Sena actually able to control the market (market driven). According to him, one of the key failures of wood products to market more to the subjectivity of looking at the raw materials kayu.Barata Sena "Businesses always come first teak. Beyond that, not a good material for making furniture products. This view eventually turned to corner ourselves and that happens, the buyer becomes decisive. So that the position of employers who incidentally finished goods under the owner. I do not want that to happen. They should be able to appreciate my hard work as the owner of the goods and owner of the product. So, for me, no timber is not used and there is no wood better than the others. All wood can be products and works. No matter the teak, mahogany, jackfruit. Even tamarind wood can be expensive product, "said Sena to Creative Indonesia, this week. At a glance it is difficult to accept the view of employers who are also artists of this timber. The mindset is already sifting through grade teak wood based or not, becomes a barrier to broaden as disclosed above. But if you view what has been produced in workshops that blend with the place of residence, then people will say yes. Collaboration works Barata Sena2 Many products or rather the work of Sena which amazed. It would be amazed if listening to how the work was created. Like a camisole and underwear woman no more thickness of 3-5 mm, was originally a wooden trunk diameter of 25-30 cm intact. How could it be? "All possible if we want to open up. As I do this, the entire staff, I invite discussion. I ask them not to assume difficult first! Once the new agreement I teach how to become a carver who freely without having my pelototi job. The entire staff I now understand so I asked one of my work without having to explain the details, "he said. Sena then argued that those who work in the business it is emphasized to boldly express engraving. "Now, my staff no longer considers the wood cracked, not symmetrical in diameter or no knots as obstacles. When I asked for a table, it is completely normal not earlier been the subject of exploration. They assured us that good yes! "He said proudly. Different again, Sena always assume that every product in his workshop is the result of collective work. In the language of this one man, collaborative work. Philosophy presented a realistic understanding that it has been less of a handle of wood products businesses in general. "It should be noted that in order to make this camisole for example, my staff need sandpaper, took chisel, took varnish etc. What I was able to make of it all? It not? I had to buy because it could create others. Wood continues I gained also could not have come alone, right? There are planted, there is transporting etc ... .dsb. Orientation thinking like this that I transmitted to my staff all. So if I ask, sounded not a command. But it is also part of their work. So when high appreciated, there is no honor in the form of a sense of pride in the hearts of the staff of mine, "he said. The realization that the work is not the service itself also flows through the purchase of services. The workshop Barata Sena, any person who delivers guests or even just through HP that there will be guests who want to see or buy their products, never forgotten. Sena implement lifelong commissions returns. "Yeah ... So for example you drove a friend or anyone to come here. So when a when a guest had come alone without you know, keep your rights commission paid by my management. Automatically for every guest there must be a database including your or anyone who drove, "said Sena as confirming the position that every work is the work of others as well alias collaborative works.
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