"Do not ever stop! Process maturity must be acted alone so that knowledge is not from hearing the stories of others but it is a personal experience or empirical. "In the middle recedes conventional furniture business, especially in world markets, the pace of this enviable Solo. While most exporters have been very skeptical given the demand will continue to slide furniture products, both in terms of quantity and price, but high specifications required for the design and materials of wood, Barata Sena actually flying with the results of his own style of products. Father of two children, now aged 42 years was even increasingly enjoy their business. In a business perspective,
Wood Art - Wood Interior - Wood Furniture - Wood Galery
Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015
Press Release
Press release
Art Exhibition Boardwalks, Process That Works
Hall Soedjatmoko, Solo
18 - 30 May 2011
"Life is working. For Areas Wood working is an understanding of the process. That process works. Not the end result. '
Barata Sena above expression is part of the second solo exhibition Boardwalks Art Exhibition titled "Process That Works" which will be held on:
Date: 18 - May 30, 2011
Place: Hall Soedjatmoko Jl. Slamet Riyadi 284, Solo
This exhibition is a continuation of the first solo exhibition, which was held in Solo Square 31 December 2008 - January 31, 2009.
About Barata Sena
Born in Solo, March 22, 1969. The painting Befriending active in various glass and glass painting exhibition (1989-1991). Then pursue painting canvases (1992-1999). Way of life eventually falls on the media space and wood as a source of creative inspsirasi his works (1999 - present). He frees his work into any definition. His works are scattered in various regions in Indonesia - Bali, Jakarta, Palembang, Kalimantan and abroad - Japan, Italy, Singapore, USA and others.
Barata Sena since 2001 intensely explore non teak wood. Wood is supposedly only serves as firewood and is not accounted for at all in the art and furniture industry, in the hands of Barata Seno proved to be valuable works of high aesthetic. Waste wood-term community failed to appreciate wood only because it serves as fuel-wood from a tree Kepoh, Leses, Golkar, Suren, Pule, Lou, Ingas and others.
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